A series of welded bike ramps placed in locations around Glasgow, as requested by community members. These ramps are models used as supporting materialĀ for a Glasgow City Council application asking permission for permanent access ramps to be custom built and installed for communities around Glasgow.
Stainless Steel, Hazard Grip Tape, 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.1m each
Video above used as supporting video for a Glasgow City Council application asking permission for permanent access ramps to be custom built and installed for communities around Glasgow, 2 min, 43 seconds

Location of Test Ramps:
1. Dundasvale Road, 55.867387, -4.258368
2. King Street, 55.855066, -4.247207
3. Houston Place, 55.853469, -4.274168
4. Shields Road, 55.847317, -4.274689
5. Bankhall Street, 55.835922, -4.257026
(In order of North to South)
1. Dundasvale Road, 55.867387, -4.258368
2. King Street, 55.855066, -4.247207
3. Houston Place, 55.853469, -4.274168
4. Shields Road, 55.847317, -4.274689
5. Bankhall Street, 55.835922, -4.257026
(In order of North to South)